Fig. 2.
KMC validation of the forward model. FRETR was calculated from KMC simulations of a system consisting of one CFP donor and one YFP acceptor. CFP and YFP were represented as dimensionless points that correspond to the centers of the fluorophore. FRETR was computed with varying distance between fluorophores, donor excitation rate kdX/kdF, and donor/acceptor excitation rate ratio kda = kdX,430/kaX,430 (circles and squares). kdF was set (35) at 0.4 nm−1. The YFP photobleaching ratio during the acquisition of the CFP image was set at 0.3. In the regime of low excitation and fast de-excitation (kdX/kdF < 0.05), the value of FRETR predicted by the forward model (lines) was in excellent agreement with KMC simulations (error analysis in supplemental Fig. S2).