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. 2014 Dec 6;11(101):20140694. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2014.0694

Table 1.

Data and model quantities, including notation and a brief description of their meaning. Groups correspond to: quantities measured in both the data and model; empirical quantities; parameters used by the model; and parameters estimated from the data.

quantity description
data/model quantities
 Ra(t), Rt(t) fraction of all users that adopt/terminate the service in a time window
 Rn(t) = Ra(t) − Rt(t) net rate of adoption
empirical quantities
 ta, tt time of adoption/termination of service for a user 
 Inline graphic lifetime of a user account in the service
 Δt time window used to define rates
 I number of Internet users in a country at the end of observation period
 Na(t) number of service users at time t
 pa(t), pp(t) rate of spontaneous/peer-pressure adoption at time t
 Inline graphic, Inline graphic rate of spontaneous/peer-pressure termination at time t
 Inline graphic rate of termination at time t
 p(n) probability that a user adopts, if a fraction n of its neighbours are adopters
 prand(n) value of p(n) after shuffling adoption times
 Δp(n) = p(n) − prand(n) unbiased measure of social influence in adoption
 τ inverse speed of innovation diffusion
model parameters
 pa, pp constant probability of spontaneous/peer-pressure adoption
 ps, pr constant probability of temporary/permanent termination 
 k average degree of network
 Inline graphic peer-pressure adoption probability, weighted by degree
estimated parameters
 Inline graphic estimates of average degree and asymptotic rate of termination
 Inline graphic estimate of temporary termination probability