Table 1. Ontologies used as background knowledge sources.
Ontology Name | Acronym | Domain |
Anatomical Entity Ontology | AEO | anatomy |
Bilateria Anatomy | BILA | anatomy |
Cell Type | CL | anatomy |
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest | CHEBI | biochemistry |
Common Anatomy Reference Ontology | CARO | anatomy |
Foundational Model of Anatomy | FMA | anatomy |
Human Disease Ontology | DOID | health |
Human Phenotype Ontology | HP | phenotype |
Infectious Disease | IDO | health |
Mouse Anatomy | MA | anatomy |
Minimal Anatomical Terminology | MAT | anatomy |
NCI Thesaurus | NCI | health |
NIF Cell | NIFC | neuroscience |
NIF Dysfunction | NIFD | neuroscience |
NIF Gross Anatomy | NIFGA | neuroscience |
Ontology for General Medical Science | OGMS | medicine |
Phenotypic Quality | PATO | phenotype |
Subcellular Anatomy Ontology | SAO | anatomy |
Symptom Ontology | SYMP | health |
Uber Anatomy Ontology | Uberon | anatomy |
Verteberate Homologous Organ Groups | VHOG | anatomy |
Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology | VSAO | anatomy |