Extended Data Fig. 5. Comparison of the individual structures of the core subunits of bacterial and mammalian complex I.
a) The structure of each subunit from T. thermophilus (wheat, 4HEA.pdb4) has been superimposed separately on its corresponding subunit from B. taurus (coloured as labelled) with the transverse helix plus TMH16 of ND5 also aligned separately. The complexes are viewed from behind ND1 (top), from the side (middle) and from the matrix (bottom, ND subunits only). b) Observed differences in the structures of the core subunits of B. taurus and T. thermophilus complexes I. Grey, conserved structure from B. taurus and T. thermophilus (4HEA.pdb4); red, structural elements present only in T. thermophilus; blue, structural elements present only in B. taurus. The C-terminal domain of the 75 kDa subunit is not resolved in B. taurus, but its structure is clearly different to in T. thermophilus.