a) ND2 is shown from the membrane plane, high-lighting the densities for three aromatic sidechains and one of the helix-breaking loops. b) Subunit ND4 is viewed from the matrix. c) The density for a [4Fe-4S] cluster and surrounding protein is shown in the PSST subunit. d) A region of the 49 kDa subunit shows a well resolved α-helical stretch and aromatic side-chains, and the β-strands are beginning to be resolved. e) Subunit B8 is an example of a supernumerary subunit in a peripheral region of the molecule. f) In the 39 kDa subunit density consistent with a bound nucleotide is observed, in a similar position to in homologous structures, and as expected from analysis of Y. lipolytica complex I27. However, the present resolution of the map precludes the inclusion of this nucleotide in the final model.