Table 1. Scales of the TOP with Sample Items.
TOP Scales | Sample Items | |
DEPR (Depression) | Felt worthless | Felt little or no interest in most things |
VIOLN (Violence) | Physically hurt someone or an animal |
Had thoughts of killing someone else |
SCONF (Social Conflict) | Felt too much conflict with someone |
Been emotionally hurt by someone |
LIFEQ (Life Quality) | Been Satisfied with your relationships with others |
Been satisfied with your daily responsibilities |
SLEEP | Had trouble falling asleep | Awakened frequently during the night |
SEXFN (Sexual Function) | Felt no desire for or pleasure in sex |
Felt emotional or physical pain during sex |
WORKF | Had your performance criticized |
Been acknowledged for your accomplishments |
PSYCS | Felt something or someone was controlling your mind |
Seen or heard something that was not really there |
PANIC | Had a racing heart | Had shortness of breath |
SA (Substance Abuse) | Found yourself thinking about a drink or getting high |
Used alcohol or drugs to relieve uncomfortable feelings such as sadness, anger or bordeom |
MANIC | Been too talkative | Felt on top of the world |
SUIC | Thought about killing yourself or wished you were dead |
Planned or tried to kill yourself |