Table 3.
Infant Imitation Scores for English- and Spanish-Speaking Presenters in Between- and Within-Subjects Analyses
Analyses | Presenter Language |
% Imitation |
Between- Subjects |
Spanish | 51.72 (±15.46) |
English | 56.68 (±18.68) |
Within- Subjects |
Spanish | 37.44 (±25.18) |
English | 30.44 (±23.90) |
Note: For the Between-Subjects analysis, an independent t-test revealed no significance between children in the English or Spanish conditions (t(1,48)=.71, p=.48). For the Within-Subjects analysis, a paired t-test revealed no significant difference between English- and Spanish-speaker imitation rates (t(1, 31)=1.08; p=.29).