Patterns of associated BHLHE40 SNPs with phenotypes. Rows represent each of the 45 participants resequenced (8 bipolars and 37 DSPS), and columns describe the SNPs. Position is the chromosome-3 base position from assembly GRCH37/hg19. Alleles list the minor allele first, as indicated in the forward DNA strand, and MAF shows the minor allele frequency listed in the UCSC browser 7/6/2013. For the associated SNP pattern: Red shading highlights a minor allele homozygote, and pink shading highlights a minor allele heterozygote for the associated pattern of alleles. Green shading highlights a SNP that was not inferred to be one of the 18 interlinked polymorphisms. Purple highlights the associated allele group (top of columns) and participants with ≥2 such alleles (left columns). *for specification of SNPs without "rs" designations (not appearing in dbSNP) see, **regarding non-24-hour sleep-wake components or bipolar disorder, symbols in columns 2-3 for a participant indicate. P: possible, L: likely, D: definite, or ?: undetermined.