Figure 2.1.
Onset of repetitive firing for Morris-Lecar with one steady state (Type II). A: Nullclines for different values of Iapp (60, 160, and 260 μA/cm2), corresponding to excitable, oscillatory, and nerve block states of the system. B: Bifurcation diagram, voltage vs. Iapp. Destabilization of steady state by Hopf bifurcation. Thin solid curves, stable steady state; thin dashed curves, unstable steady state; thick solid curves, maximum and minimum V of the stable limit cycle; thick dashed curves, maximum and minimum V of the unstable limit cycle. Shaded area corresponds to range of Iapp where system is bistable. C: Frequency vs. current curve for stable limit cycles in B. (Adapted from [4, fig. 12] with permission from Elsevier.)