a ACTH (top panel) and b CORT (bottom panel) levels before and after mother-infant separation in Alcohol and NoAlcohol monkeys carrying the s allele (Short) or l/l (Long) genotype. Time postseparation represents baseline samples (BASE) and samples collected at 2 hours and 26 h after separation. Subjects per group: n (Alcohol, Long)=10; n (Alcohol, Short)=9; n (NoAlcohol, Long)=11; n (NoAlcohol, Short)=8. a ACTH levels were highest in the Alcohol, Short group 2 hours postseparation by comparison with all other groups [F(1,36)=4.90; p=0.03)]. b CORT was higher overall in monkeys carrying the short versus long allele at 26 h postseparation [F (1,36)=5.60; p=0.02]. ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; BASE, baseline samples; CORT, cortisol. From “Moderate level fetal alcohol exposure and serotonin transporter gene promoter polymorphism affect neonatal temperament and limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation in monkeys,” G. W. Kraemer, C. F. Moore, T. K. Newman, C. S. Barr, and M. L. Schneider, 2008, Biological Psychiatry, 63, p. 320. Copyright 2008. Reprinted with permission