populations and simulated X-ray absorption signals.
See the spectroscopy signal calculation section of the Supporting Information for X-ray parameters.
(A) Time-dependent populations for different states in the ET process
calculated from eq 1 and with the initial conditions
[A]0 = 0.8, [B]0 = 0.0, [C]0 = 0.2
and [D]0 = 0.0. See Figure 2 for
explanations of different states. TXAS and SXRS signals are calculated
at the three selected times marked with vertical red lines, at τ
= 10 ps, 1 ns, and 200 ns. Middle panels: XANES spectra of different
species. (B) Simulated Re L-edge XANES spectrum for state A+B. (C)
Simulated Re L-edge XANES spectrum for state C. (D) Simulated Re L-edge
XANES spectrum for state D. (E) Simulated Cl L-edge XANES spectrum
for state A+B. (F) Simulated Cl L-edge XANES spectrum for state C.
(G) Simulated Cl L-edge XANES spectrum for state D. (H) Simulated
Cu L-edge XANES spectrum for state A+B and C. (I) Simulated Cu L-edge
XANES spectrum for state D. Bottom panels: Time-dependent XANES. (J)
TXAS of a 200 as pulse tuned to Re L-edge with interpulse delays set
to 10 ps, 1 and 200 ns. (K) Same as (J), but the Cl L-edge TXAS signals
are shown. (L) Same as (J), but the Cu L-edge TXAS signals are shown.