Figure 2.
Sugar content comparison between the wild type and the gsd1-D mutant at the 5 DAF stage. A, Content of Suc, Glc, Fru, and starch in the flag leaf blades of the wild type and the gsd1-D mutant at the ED. B, Content of Suc, Glc, Fru, and starch in filling grains of the wild type and the gsd1-D mutant at the ED. C, Content of sugar in phloem exudate at different collection time after the ED. D, Decline of the 13C-labeled Suc in the flag leaf blades after photosynthesis of the flag leaf blade feed with 13CO2. E, Increase of the 13C-labeled Suc in the flag leaf sheaths after photosynthesis of the flag leaf blade feed with 13CO2. F, Increase of the 13C-labeled Suc in phloem exudate after photosynthesis of the flag leaf blade feed with 13CO2. The results in A to C are means ± se from six individual plants, whereas the results in D to F are means ± se of three biological independent samples. Double asterisks indicate that the difference between the wild type and the gsd1-D mutant is statistically significant at P < 0.01 by the t test. WT, Wild type.