Figure 2.
Fut8 and gmds silencing is dose dependent. A) Fut8 mRNA time course profile shows a decrease in fut8 expression with increasing siRNA concentration. mRNA concentrations were determined via quantitative PCR and normalized based on respective daily cells only mRNA concentration average. Error bars represent ± SEM (n=9 for control and 6 for other conditions). B) Gmds mRNA time course profile shows a decrease in gmds expression with increasing siRNA concentration. mRNA concentrations were determined via quantitative PCR and normalized based on daily cells only mRNA concentration average. Error bars represent ± SEM (n=9 for control and 6 for other conditions). C) Cumulative mRNA remaining over the entire time course of the culture for both fut8 and gmds demonstrate desired level of mRNA knockdown can be achieved by choosing siRNA concentration appropriately. To calculate cumulative mRNA remaining, an integral analysis using a standard trapezoidal rule was performed on time course mRNA profiles that were normalized based on non-treated cells only daily mRNA concentration averages. Error bars represent ± SEM (n=9 for control and 6 for other conditions).