Table 2. Summary statistics for each economic, ecological, and geological dataset.
Dataset | Corporate locations | Industrial codes | Trees | Birds | Minerals |
Type | Economy | Economy | Ecology | Ecology | Geology |
Lines drawn as | solid red | solid orange | dotted green | dotted blue | dashed gray |
# Species | 455 | 3,777 | 384 | 584 | 746 |
# Individuals | 660,935 | 7,628,863 | 11,887,262 | 1,640,449 | 587,571 |
# Sites | 20,936 | 3,106 | 391,981 | 2,251 | 54,837 |
Most common five species | Subway, Shell,T-Mobile,McDonald’s,BP | Offices of physicians(exc mental health),Independent artists,writers& performers,Offices oflawyers,Offices ofdentists,Limited-servicerestaurants | Loblolly pine,Red maple,Sweetgum,Sugarmaple,White oak | Red-wingedblackbird,European starling,Americanrobin,Mourning dove,American crow | Gold, Sand & gravel,Construction, Silver,Copper |
Maps display higher species richness at each site in brighter colors. In all subsequent graphs we have used the line-coloring scheme shown here.