Figure 2. PIWIL2 is involved in regulation of c-Myc by NME2.
(A) PIWIL2 knockdown suppresses NME2 induced c-Myc upregulation at protein level. HeLa or HepG2 cells were transfected with the indicated plasmids and harvested for Western blot analysis. (B) PIWIL2 knockdown suppresses NME2 induced c-Myc upregulation at mRNA level. Fold change was normalized by control to an arbitrary value of one. The results were presented as mean ± s.d. (n=3). *, P<0.05. NS, not significant. (C) Immunofluorescent staining of c-Myc in transfected cells. HeLa and HepG2cells were fixed, permeabilized and incubated with c-Myc primary antibodies and Cy3-labelled secondary antibodies (red) for c-Myc staining 48h after transfection. DAPI (blue), nucleus. Scale bar, 20μm.