Figure 5.
Cooperativity between kinesin-1 motors is influenced by separation distance. (A) Schematic of experimental setup. COS7 cell lysates were mixed as in Fig. 4 A with different SAH domains providing variable separation distances between motors, and motility was recorded by TIRF microscopy. (B) CDFs of run lengths (top) and velocities (bottom) for two kin1 motors separated by the indicated SAH helix length (yellow). The motility of single kin1-mNeGr motors (green) is included as a reference for each dataset. The mean ± SE is indicated on each graph. The percentage colocalized indicates the percentage of two-motor events (the percentage of green events that colocalize with red events via automated tracking analysis) in each population. (C and D) Graphs of mean run lengths (C) and velocities (D) for single kin1-mNeGr motors (green; n = 622 events) or for two kin1 motors separated by the indicated SAH helix length (yellow; n = 311 for 5 nm, n = 626 for 10 nm, n = 318 for 20 nm, n = 124 for 30 nm, n = 199 for 60 nm). **, P < 0.001; *, P < 0.01 as compared with the single kin1 motor (two-sample KS test). Data are presented as the mean ± SE (error bars).