Table 1.
Summary of the notation used throughout this work; modified from Oaks et al. [7]
Symbol | Description | |
Y |
Number of population pairs. |
The number of genome copies sampled from population pair i, with n1,i sampled from population 1, and n2,i from population 2. |
Number of loci sampled from population pair i. |
K |
Total number of unique loci sampled. |
Xi, j |
Sequence alignment of locus j sampled from population pair i. |
Population genetic summary statistics calculated from Xi, j. |
X |
Vector containing the sequence alignments of each locus from each population pair: . |
S∗ |
Vector containing the summary statistics of each locus from each population pair: . |
Bε(S∗) |
Multi-dimensional Euclidean space around the observed summary statistics, S∗. |
ε |
Radius of Bε(S∗), i.e., the tolerance of the ABC estimation. |
Gi, j |
Gene tree of the sequences in Xi, j. |
G |
Vector containing the gene trees of each locus from each population pair: . |
|τ| |
Number of population divergence-time parameters shared among the Y population pairs. |
τ |
Time of population divergence in 4NC generations. |
Set of divergence-time parameters: {τ1,…,τ|τ|}. |
The index of the divergence-time in τ to which population pair i is mapped. |
t |
Vector of divergence-time indices: (t1,…,tY). |
Time of divergence in 4NC generations between the populations of pair i. |
T |
Vector of divergence times for each of the population pairs: (T1,…,TY). |
Scaled time of divergence between the populations of pair i for locus j. |
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Vector containing the scaled divergence times of each locus from each population pair: . |
θD1,i,θD2,i |
Mutation-rate-scaled effective population size of the 1st and 2nd descendent population, respectively, of pair i. |
θA,i |
Mutation-rate-scaled effective population size of the population ancestral to pair i. |
θD1,θD2 |
Vectors (θD1,1,…,θD1,Y) and (θD2,1,…,θD2,Y), respectively. |
Vector containing the θA parameters for each population pair: (θA,1,…,θA,Y). |
Mutation-rate multiplier of locus j. |
Vector containing the locus-specific mutation-rate multipliers: (υ1,…,υK). |
α |
The shape parameter of the gamma prior distribution on υ. |
ζD1,i,ζD2,i |
θ-scaling parameters that determine the magnitude of the population bottleneck in the 1st and 2nd descendant population of pair i, |
respectively. The bottleneck in each descendant population begins immediately after divergence. |
ζD1,ζD2 |
Vectors (ζD1,1,…,ζD1,Y) and (ζD2,1,…,ζD2,Y), respectively. |
τB,i |
Proportion of time between present and Ti when the bottleneck ends for the descendant populations of pair i. |
Vector containing the τB parameters for each population pair: (τB,1,…,τB,Y). |
mi |
Symmetric migration rate between the descendant populations of pair i. |
m |
Vector containing the migration rates for each population pair: (mi,…,mY). |
ρi, j |
θ-scaling constant provided by the investigator for locus j of pair i. This constant is required to scale θ for differences in ploidy among loci |
or differences in generation times among taxa. |
νi, j |
θ-scaling constant provided by the investigator for locus j of pair i. This constant is required to scale θ for differences in mutation rates |
among loci or among taxa. |
Vector of ploidy and/or generation-time scaling constants: |
Vector of mutation-rate scaling constants: |
Mean of divergence times across the Y population pairs. |
Variance of divergence times across the Y population pairs. |
Dispersion index of divergence times across the Y population pairs . |
n |
Number of samples from the joint prior. |
Λ Vector of parameter values drawn from the joint prior. |
S Vector containing the summary statistics calculated from data simulated under parameter values drawn from the prior (Λ). |
Λ Random sample of Λ1,…,Λn drawn form the prior. |
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