Figure 2.
CD44 promotes Kras-dependent lung adenocarcinoma in mice. (a) Survival rate of B6/129 mixed-background mice infected with Ad-Cre. 13 LSL-KrasG12D CD44+/- mice and 14 LSL-KrasG12D CD44-/- mice were infected with Ad-Cre at the same age, and survival was followed over time. Data are presented as a Kaplan-Meier plot. P<0.0001. (b) Representative H&E-stained sections of KrasG12D;CD44+/- and KrasG12D;CD44-/- lungs (original magnification, × 1.25). (c) Tumor burden at a 12-week time point of mixed-background mouse lungs from 17 KrasG12D;CD44+/- mice and 14 Kras 12D;CD44-/- mice, s.e.m. n⩾14. H&E-stained lung sections were used for tumor size quantification with Image J software (NIH,Bethesda, MD, USA, (d) Prolonged survival of KrasG12D;CD44-/- B6 mice that express KrasG12D in the lung. Data are presented as a Kaplan-Meier plot from five KrasG D;CD44+/+ mice and 11 KrasG12D;CD44-/- mice. P = 0.003. (e) Tumor burden at a 15-week time point of seven KrasG12D;CD44+/+ and ten KrasG12D;CD44-/- mice in B6 background, s.e.m. n⩾7.