A–D, cast of anterior part of left mandible of NMQR 3051 in lateral (A), posterior (B), dorsal (C) and medial (D) views. E, lateral view of anterior part of right dentary, BP/1/7153; F–H, right angular, BP/1/6232c in medial (F), lateral (G) and ventral (H) views. I–L, cast of right articular and posterior part of surangular, BP/1/5763b (contra handwritten label on cast) in dorsal and slightly lateral (I), ventral and slightly medial (J), lateral and slightly ventral (K) and medial and slightly posterodorsal (L) views. Abbreviations: an, angular; ar, articular; den, dentary; dmp, dorsomedial process of retroarticular region; glen, glenoid; gr, groove possibly for articulation with coronoid; sa, surangular; saf, surangular foramen; spl, splenial; s.spl, surface for articulation with splenial; vmp, ventromedial process of articular.