Table 3.
Means, Standard Deviations, and Significance Levels for EHA Users’ and ENH Individuals’ Age, Years of Formal Education, and Word Comprehension Test and Reading Span Test Results.
Parameter | EHA M (SD) | ENH M (SD) | Inferential statistics EHA vs. ENH (df = 46) |
Age (years) | 72.42 (3.27) | 71.46 (3.12) | t = 1.04, p = .304 |
Years of formal education | 13.04 (3.03) | 13.46 (2.64) | t = −0.51, p = .614 |
Word comprehension test | 32.45 (1.22) | 32.83 (1.01) | t = −1.16, p = .250 |
Reading span test | 12.04 (1.88) | 12.21 (1.89) | t = −0.31, p = .760 |
Note. EHA = elderly hearing aid; ENH = elderly normal hearing.