Figure 1.
Stability of amyloid aggregates at physiological temperature and two pH values. AFM images of (a) lysozyme filaments and (b) protofibrils formed during incubation at 70 °C and pH 3 in 100 or 250 mM NaCl, respectively. Scale bar: 200 nm; color scale: aggregate height in nm. Images of oligomers/protofibrils at pH 7 are provided in Figure 6a. Static light scattering (Iscat) indicates that at 37 °C (c) filaments formed at pH 3 remain stable while (d) protofibrils decay very slowly. (e) At pH 7 protofibrils kept at 37 °C remain stable. Inserts: particle size distributions obtained with DLS at the beginning (---) and end (__) of the incubation period.