Figure 3.
Overlay of ICMS spectra (Detail of Figure2). Overlay of ICMS spectra of all isolates led to the identification of characteristic peaks for specific C. jejuni subgroups. Peak A (m/z = 5303; red) is specific for isolates of MLST-ST 21 expressing a dimeric form of the formic acid specific chemotaxis receptor Tlp7m+c. The majority of isolates shows a peak at m/z = 5496 (peak C, dark blue). Ggt- and cj1365c-postive isolates (MLST-ST 21) show a shift of this peak to m/z = 5479 (peak B, light blue), whereas ggt-positive but cj1365c- and cstII-negative isolates (MLST-ST 45) show a shift of this peak to m/z = 5523 (peak D, green).