a. Photograph prior to scoliosis surgery, showing low tone, obesity, large ears bilaterally, and flat nasal bridge. b. Posteroanterior and sagittal radiographs showing 70 degree left thoracic scoliosis, with excessive soft tissue shadows (obesity) and mild epiphyseal dysplasia of the femoral heads. c. CNV analysis for chromosome 15, with logR ratio plotted on the Y-axis versus chromosome position on the X-axis. Case 15-1 is noted at top, with mother and father (middle and bottom, respectively). Deleted region is noted by blue shading. d. Case 15-1 deleted interval (red box) compared to deletions reported for other 15q24 microdeletion cases (below). Previously described breakpoint regions mediating non-allelic homologous recombination are noted above. “BP1,2,3,4” notation is as described by Sharp et al.(19); “15q24a,b,c,d,e” notation is as described by El-Hattab et al.(21)