Continuous, regular and up to date education |
Capable, mentally strong and energetic nurses enrolled |
Repetition, 2 to 6 times a year (so that each person can attend at least 1 to 2 times a year) |
Practical and theoretical education together |
Easy to follow and understandable materials |
Similar to reality as much as possible |
The role of casualties should be handed over to nursing or medical students or people who have enough knowledge to play the role correctly |
Performed without notice and by sudden recall |
Surveyed and monitored constantly |
A special committee assigned for surveillance and monitoring drills |
The drill should be accounted as one duty shift for the nurse |
Nurses’ lack of time and heavy workloads should be taken care of |
A code/responsibility should be assigned to people in advance |
The role or responsibility should be consistent during the different drills |
Substitutes should be assigned |
A fixed, well-rehearsed program to practice during the drills and to apply in disasters |
Managers determined in advance and well-rehearsed in their role |