Configuration of ion-binding sites in the A. woodii c-ring. (a) One of the eight Na+-binding sites at the interfaces between c2/3 subunits, viewed from the membrane. The protein residues (gray sticks) and water molecule (red sphere) coordinating the ion (yellow sphere) are highlighted. (b The Na+-binding site at the c2/3/c1 interface. (c) The water-binding site within the c1 subunit. (d) The Na+-binding site at the c1/c2/3 interface. Dashed lines indicate inferred hydrogen-bonds in (a) and (c), and ion-protein contacts in (b) and (d). (e) Fo−Fc difference map (green mesh) for all bound Na+ and water molecules, contoured at +5.0σ. The ring is viewed from the cytoplasmic side. (f) Fo−Fc maps for either Na+ or water molecules (yellow and green mesh, respectively) bound within c1 and the c1/c2/3 interface, contoured at +4.0σ. The 2Fo−Fc map for the protein is also shown, contoured at 2.4σ (light blue mesh). Supplementary Fig. 6 shows a stereo-view of this figure.