Figure 2. Multiple sequence alignments of the deduced amino acid sequences of OcMT1 and OcMT2 with other known homologues species using the GeneDoc software.
Amino acid residues are shaded in color. Conserved and identical cysteine amino acids are highlighted in red and blue, respectively. The species and the GenBank accession numbers are as follows: Oxya chinensis (OcMT1 KJ153014 and OcMT2 KJ153015), Drosophila melanogaster (DmMTB: NP524413, DmMTC: NP650882, DmMTD: NP788695, and DmMTE: NP001189254) Musca domestica (MdMT2: AEO50699), Anopheles gambiae (AgMT1: AAX86006 and AgMT2: AAX86007), Chironomus riparius (CrMT: ADZ54163), Tabanus yao (TyMT1: ABX80078 and TyMT2: AAX860079).