Figure 7.
Enrichment of cytokine-related inflammatory pathways (gene sets) in human psoriasis transcriptomes and in five mouse models of psoriasis. Normalized enrichment scores (NES) and false discovery rate (FDR) are shown for gene sets regulated in keratinocytes (KC), monocytes, immature dendritic cells (iDCs), fibroblasts, and reconstituted human epidermis (RHE) by several psoriatic inflammatory cytokines. An asterisk indicates cytokine pathways described in Reference 129. (a,b) Expression of these cytokine pathways in human psoriasis vulgaris is shown for lesional (LS) versus nonlesional (NL) skin in the MAD3 transcriptome (a) (110) and for lesional versus normal (N) skin (b) (130). (c–h) Cytokine enrichment in the five mouse models (123) is illustrated as follows: K14-amphiregulin (AREG) ear skin (c) and tail skin (d), K5-Stat3C (Stat-3) (e), K5-Tie2 (Tie-2) (f), K5-TGF-β1 (TGF-β) (g), and Imiquimod (h). (See Note Added in Proof.)