Fig. 5.
Ethanol resistance of flies with third chromosomes from either Austria or Cameroon placed into an isogenic Cameroon genetic background. Flies were placed in vials containing 1 ml of sucrose solution; 550 μl of 20% ethanol was subsequently added to a dry cotton plug in the middle of the vial, and survival was monitored after 2 days. Experiment 1: means and s.e.m. of three iso-third chromosome lines per location. Region, P<0.01; sex, P>0.2; interaction, P>0.7. Experiment 2: means and s.e.m. of populations formed by hybridizing four iso-third chromosome lines per location. Region, P<0.0001; sex, P>0.3; interaction, P<0.001 (region effect remained significant at P<0.001 when sexes were analyzed separately).