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. 2014 Sep;3(5):513–524. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2225-319X.2014.08.20

Table 2. INTERMACS levels.

Level 1: Critical cardiogenic shock- “Crash and Burn”
Level 2: Progressive decline despite inotopic support- “Sliding on Inotropes”
Level 3: Stable but inotrope dependent- “Dependent Stability”
Level 4: Resting symptoms
Level 5: Exertion intolerant
Level 6: Exertion limited- “Walking wounded”
Level 7: Advanced NYHA III

Modified from Stevensson et al., JHLT 2009,26(6):535-541.INTERMACS, Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support.