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. 2014 Jun 10;23(11):1005–1021. doi: 10.1007/s00787-014-0555-6

Table 2.

Overview of European screening studies

Setting and users Screening procedure Study sample and resultsa Comments

United Kingdom—South East Thames region

 Primary health care practitioner to parents

CHAT (high + medium risk) + CHAT (high + medium risk)

N = 16.235, M age = 18.7 (1.1)

PPV = 0.59; NPV = 1.00; Se. = 0.21; Sp. = 1.00

Extremely low false-positive rate

High false-negative rate

Specifically, combination of joint attention items + pretend play indicates ASD risk Discriminating protodeclarative acts may be difficult for parents

(Baron-Cohen et al. [17], Baird et al. [62])

The Netherlands—Province of Utrecht

Well-baby clinics + home

 Physicians to parents + psychologist to parents

4-item + 14-item ESAT N = 31.724, M age = 14.91 (1.37) PPV = 0.25; NPV = *; Se. = *; Sp. = *

High false-positive rate but no TD children

At young age, hard to discriminate between ASD and TD/DD

At young age, failure to detect higher functioning children/milder ASD variants/children who regress or develop autism later

Drop-out because parents not yet willing to cooperate

Physicians cautious in referring for ASD

Screen-negative cases not followed up

(Dietz et al. [43])

The Netherlands—Nijmegen

Primary care setting + child psychiatry

 Primary care worker

 Primary care worker + parents’ self-administered test

 Primary care worker + parents’ self-administered test

 Primary care worker + parents’ self-administered test

Procedure 1:

Clinical concern + 14-item ESAT

Procedure 2/3:

14-item ESAT + SCQ 11

14-item ESAT + SCQ 15

Procedure 4:

14-item ESAT + CSBS-DP

Procedure 5/6:

14-item ESAT + CHAT high risk

14-item ESAT + CHAT high + medium risk

N = *, M age =

PPV = 0.68; NPV = 0.37; Se. = 0.88; Sp. = 0.14

PPV = 0.71; NPV = 0.47; Se. = 0.84; Sp. = 0.28

PPV = 0.79; NPV = 0.48; Se. = 66; Sp. = 0.64

PPV = 0.78; NPV = 0.50; Se. = 0.71, Sp. = 0.59

PPV = 0.97; NPV = 0.37; Se. = 0.18; Sp. = 0.99

PPV = 0.88; NPV = 0.45; Se. = 48; Sp. = 0.87

No screening instrument clearly better than any other in differentiating ASD from non-ASD

Trade-off between sensitivity and specificity (F.1)

High false-positive rate

Explore different cut-offs/item-selection within screening instruments. CHAT not administered in original form, constructed from SCQ and CSBS-DP items

Screen-negative cases not followed up: where true sensitivity and specificity could not be calculated, they were calculated with the percentage of children about whom there was already some concern

(Oosterling et al. [63])


Child day-care setting + home

 Child care worker + parents’ self-administered test

 Child care worker + parents’ self-administered test

 Child care worker + parents’ self-administered test

 Child care worker + parents’ self-administered test

Procedure 1:

CESDD + 14-item ESAT

Procedure 2/3:



Procedure 4:


Procedure 5:


N = 7.092, M age = 16.70 (8.19)

PPV = 0.55; NPV = 0.95; Se. = 0.40; Sp. = 0.97

PPV = 0.44; NPV = 0.94; Se. = 0.70; Sp. = 0.84

PPV = 0.83; NPV = 0.91; Se. = 0.43; Sp. = 0.98

PPV = 0.29; NPV = 0.98; Se. = 0.71; Sp. = 0.87

PPV = 1.00; NPV = 0.93; Se. = 0.33; Sp. = 1.00

First screening to include report by child care workers

High false-positive rate but many developmental disorders/delays among false positives

Low parent compliance rate

Adaptation of original screening protocol: no telephone interview included in M-CHAT, ESAT completed by parents alone.

(Dereu et al. [24])

Spain—Salamanca and Zamora; Madrid

Well-baby clinic + home

 Parents’ self-administered test + researcher to parents


 Parents’ self-administered test + paediatrician/nurse to parents through web interface

Procedure 1:

M-CHAT + M-CHAT telephone interview(by researchers at Univ. when needed)

Procedure 2:

M-CHAT + M-CHAT web-based interview

Salamanca and Zamora

N = 8,122, M age = 20.58 (3.2) PPV = 0.38; NPV = 0.99; Se. = 0.83; Sp. = 0.99


N = 2,910, M age = 23.14 (4.0) PPV = 0.26; NPV = 0.99; Se. = 0.90; Sp. = 0.99 

N = 1,402, M age = 20.21 (3.0) PPV = 0.50; NPV = 0.99; Se. = 0.67; Sp. = 0.99

Translated and adapted; M-CHAT results similar to original M-CHAT study

Explore adaptation with screening instrument, such as web-based interview instead of telephone interview

Need for coordination of health services and ASD intervention units in Spain

Screen-positive children followed up for 2 years

Locating and contacting families for telephone interview proved very time-consuming

(García-Primo et al. [64])


(Home +) child health centre


 Parents’ self-administered test

 Parents’ self-administered test + nurse

Procedure 1:


Procedure 2:

M-CHAT (including interview)

Procedure 3:

M-CHAT (including interview) + JA-OBS

N = 3.999, M age = 36.00 (no SD reported)

PPV = 0.92.5; NPV = .*; Se. = 0.86; Sp. = *

PPV = 0.92; NPV = .*; Se. = 0.76; Sp. = *

PPV = 0.89.6; NPV = .*; Se. = 0.95.6; Sp. = *

Interview M-CHAT was necessary; many parents had difficulties understanding questions

JA-OBS raised nurse awareness about ASD

Combining different instruments for professionals and parents is effective. Screen-negative cases not followed up

Screening procedure implemented in developmental programme

(Nygren et al. [27])


Well-baby clinic

 Parents’ self-administered test + professional


N = 1,227, M age = 24

Preliminary data:

TP = 17; TN = 1,192; FN = 1; FP = 17

Difficulty in obtaining participation of professionals

Follow-up at 30 and 36 months in order to check the diagnosis status


 Paediatrician to parents

M-CHAT + M-CHAT interview by paediatrician directly

N = 1,000, M age = 24.4 (3.2)

Preliminary data:

TP = 4; TN = *; FN = *; FP = 8 PPV 0.28

Difficulties in re-screening children with “pass result” in order to find false-negative cases


 Nurse + Nurse to parents

Procedure 1(first study attempt):

At 18 m.o.:CHAT + ICQ and CBCL +BITSEA

N = 200 

CBCL (Children’s Behavioural Checklist)

No longer ongoing

Procedure 2(started later):

At 12 m.o.: nurse checklist + BITSEA + ICQ + ESAT

N = 677

Small sample, no cases with ASD yet

Planning modifications in short future

PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value, Se. sensitivity, Sp. specificity, ASD autism spectrum disorder, DD developmental disorder/delay, TD typical development. Mage in months

aNote that the results presented here need to be taken with caution since some of the tools have been used in unusual or adapted conditions and for that reason cannot be considered as the unique psychometric properties of the too

* Number is unknown and could neither be extracted from the literature nor calculated from the data