Figure 2.
Temporal behavior of peripheral circulation parameters (CRT, Tskin-diff, and PI) and StO2-derived variables (StO2, RincStO2, and RdecStO2) during study protocol. Time points are defined as before nitroglycerin infusion (TBL1), at the maximum dose of nitroglycerin (TMX), and 30 minutes after cessation of nitroglycerin (TBL2). CRT, capillary refill time (seconds); PIlog, log of perfusion index (percentage); RdecStO2, rate of peripheral tissue oxygenation desaturation during arterial occlusion (percentage per minute); RincStO2, rate of peripheral tissue oxygenation recovery after arterial occlusion (percentage per second); StO2, peripheral tissue oxygenation (percentage); Tskin-diff, forearm-to-fingertip skin-temperature gradient (degrees Celsius). Lines represent individual values for each patient. Bars are mean ± 95% confidence interval (CI).