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. 2014 Oct 29;2014:185757. doi: 10.1155/2014/185757


Locus Periodontitis patients Healthy controls
IL-4-590 IL-4VNTR IL-4-590 IL-4VNTR
Polymorphism CC CT + TT 11 12 + 22 CC CT + TT 11 12 + 22
Number of patients (30) (16 + 1) (28) (17 + 1) (8) (5 + 2) (10) (5 + 0)
Cytokines [pg/mL] Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max) Median (Min/max)
IL-4_PWM 3.6 (0/163.6) 3.9 (0/17.8) 3.7 (0/163.6) 3.4 (0/17.8) 4.3 (0.6/163.6) 3.6 (0.7/9.9) 4.3 (0.6/163.6) 3.6 (0.7/9.9)
IL-4_P + C 3.7 (0/40.7) 4.4 (0/25.7) 4.0 (0/40.7) 4.0 (0/25.7) 0.9 (0/20.1) 2.2 (0.7/19.9) 0.9 (0/20.1) 2.2 (0.7/11.9)
IL-4_HSP70 0.7 (0/6.5) 0.6 (0/5.5) 0.0 (0/6.5) 1.2 (0/5.5) 1.2 (0/3.1) 1.6 (0.7/2.3) 1.2 (0/3.1) 1.6 (0.7/2.3)
IL-4_Pg 0.5 (0/12.9) 0.1 (0/7.7) 0.1 (0/12.9) 0.1 (0/7.7) 0.7 (0/96.6) 0.7 (0/1.2) 0.7 (0/96.6) 0.7 (0.6/1.2)
IL-4_Aa 0.4 (0/11.2) 0.1 (0/3.7) 0.1 (0/4.7) 0.1 (0/11.2) 1.9 (0.7/113.8) 0.7 (0/4.5) 1.9 (0.7/113.8) 0.7 (0/4.5)
IL-4_Tf 1.8 (0/113.8) 0.8 (0/3.7) 0.1 (0/113.8) 1.6 (0/96.6) 1.2 (0/5.7) 1.2 (0.7/2.6) 1.2 (0/5.7) 1.2 (0.7/2.6)
IL-4_PI 0.7 (0/4) 0.0 (0/3.7) 0.3 (0/4) 0.6 (0/3.7) 0.7 (0/4.1) 0.7 (0/1.9) 0.7 (0/4.1) 0.7 (0/1.9)
IL-4_unstim. 0.0 (0/3.7) 0.0 (0/3.3) 0.0 (0/3.7) 0.0 (0/3.3) 0.9 (0/2.8) 0.7 (0/4.5) 0.9 (0/4.5) 0.7 (0/2.6)

IL-5_PWM 5.7 (0/1882) 3.7 (0/98.9) 8.4 (0/1882) 1.4 (0/98.9) 7.3 (0.6/212.4) 10.6 (1.8/143) 7.3 (0.6/212.4) 10.6 (1.8/112.4)
IL-5_P + C 8.7 (0/230.1) 9.5 (0/375.5) 9.0 (0/230.1) 6.9 (0/375.5) 20.0 (2.3/226.2) 9.2 (1.2/403.2) 20.0 (2.3/403.2) 9.2 (1.2/169.3)
IL-5_HSP70 1.5 (0/64.8) 0.3 (0/61) 1.0 (0/64.8) 0.6 (0/61) 3.8 (0.6/158) 6.0 (1.8/16.9) 4.3 (0.6/158) 5.2 (1.8/16.9)
IL-5_Pg 1.0 (0/322.7) 1.2 (0/8.1) 0.9 (0/322.7) 1.2 (0/8.1) 3.0 (0.6/6) 3.8 (3.2/7.7) 3.5 (0.6/7.7) 3.7 (3.2/6)
IL-5_Aa 1.7 (0/12.5) 1.0 (0/7.9) 1.5 (0/12.5) 1.2 (0/7.9) 3.3 (2.2/5.2) 5.2 (0/6) 3.3 (2.2/6) 5.2 (0/6)
IL-5_Tf 1.9 (0/212.4) 0.6 (0/3.7) 1.8 (0/212.4) 1.2 (0/3.9) 2.0 (1.2/5.2) 2.9 (1.2/6) 2.4 (1.2/6) 2.9 (1.2/6)
IL-5_PI 1.5 (0/28.6) 0.6 (0/3.7) 1.7 (0/28.6) 0.6 (0/3.7) 2.4 (0.6/4.2) 3.4 (0.6/6.9) 2.9 (0.6/4.7) 3.4 (0.6/6.9)
IL-5_unstim. 0.7 (0/8.1) 0.7 (0/7.9) 0.6 (0/8.1) 0.9 (0/7.9) 2.5 (0/6) 3.4 (0/6.9) 2.5 (0/6) 3.4 (1.8/6.9)

IL-6_PWM 3500.0 (0/5960) 3500.0 (0/4699) 3500.0 (5.4/5960) 3500.0 (0/4699) 2143.1 (0/4824.3) 3281.8 (130.5/5200) 2143.1 (0/5200) 3281.8 (1186.1/4272.5)
IL-6_P + C 3196.5 (0/6457) 2280.7 (44.7/5528.5) 3500.0 (9.3/6457) 2267.5 (0/5528.5) 2876.5 (211.1/4900) 1593.1 (123.2/5193.4) 2876.5 (211.1/5193.4) 1593.1 (123.2/4931.7)
IL-6_HSP70 773.9 (3.3/4207) 141.4 (2.7/5833.5) 1143.1 (3.3/4207) 51.9 (2.7/5833.5) 888.5 (165.6/3500) 2040.7 (167.5/4673.4) 888.5 (165.6/4673.4) 2040.7 (167.5/3111.3)
IL-6_Pg 19.8 (0/4191.6) 10.6 (0.4/3577.2) 19.8 (0/4191.6) 11.5 (0.4/3577.2) 13.8 (0/791) 6.5 (0.3/2438.4) 13.8 (0/2438.4) 6.5 (0.3/1675.2)
IL-6_Aa 3500.0 (27.5/6667) 3500.0 (71.9/7362.5) 3500.0 (839/6667) 3500.0 (27.5/7362.5) 3500.0 (108/4686) 2076.7 (258.5/3600) 3366.9 (108/4686) 2076.7 (1802.6/3600)
IL-6_Tf 3500.0 (25.1/6760) 1035.3 (1.4/4916) 3500.0 * (108/6760) * 913.9 (1.4/4916) 3457.2 (33.9/4203.3) 2037.2 (0.2/3500) 3449.9 (33.9/4203.3) 2037.2 (0.2/3500)
IL-6_PI 1052.6 * (336.1/4032) * 350.9 (0.7/3521.6) 1102.1 * (336.1/4032) * 585.5 (0.7/3521.6) 3011.5 (6.2/4686) 324.3 (87.5/1937.7) 2387.8 (6.2/4686) 324.3 (87.5/1337)
IL-6_unstim. 214.8 (2/3200.5) 20.0 (1/2051.9) 227.2* (2/3200.5)* 8.0 (1/2051.9) 468.4 (33.9/1796.2) 558.5 (14.2/2046.3) 418.9 (14.2/1796.2) 601.9 (25.2/2046.3)

TNF alfa_PWM 1085.9 (2.8/3701) 1002.3 (0/3880) 1250.1 (3.5/3701) 963.4 (0/3880) 1506.6 (3.5/2800) 1209.1 (85.1/2800) 1494.2 (3.5/2800) 1209.1 (85.1/2800)
TNF alfa_P + C 1071.5 (0/3871) 450.2 (74/2800) 1127.2 (7.3/3871) 442.1 (0/2800) 1579.4 (35.6/2800) 1531.3 (22.9/2800) 1596.6 (35.6/2800) 1531.3 (22.9/2800)
TNF alfa_HSP70 32.1 (2.6/3494.6) 11.6 (2.3/2800) 92.6 (2.6/3494.6) 10.6 (2.3/2800) 63.4 (9.6/1249.1) 152.2 (11.8/1656.7) 87.6 (9.6/1656.7) 152.2 (11.8/432)
TNF alfa_Pg 20.6 (0.5/612.2) 13.6 (1.9/576.6) 21.1 (0.5/612.2) 13.3 (1.9/576.6) 2.1 (0.3/54.6) 0.8 (0.2/146.3) 2.1 (0.2/146.3) 0.8 (0.4/51.8)
TNF alfa_Aa 407.1 (10.7/4760) 462.2 (3.7/3880) 510.8 (10.7/4760) 441.8 (3.7/3880) 933.0 (104.4/3569.7) 527.6 (51.9/4347.3) 933.0 (51.9/3569.7) 527.6 (235.7/4347.3)
TNF alfa_Tf 650.9 (4.2/2845.4) 179.7 (2.1/2393.9) 687.5 * (104.4/2845.4) * 147.2 (2.1/2393.9) 899.8 (8.5/1813.5) 387.6 (0.1/965.3) 886.2 (8.5/1813.5) 387.6 (0.1/965.3)
TNF alfa_PI 74.0 (8.3/1448.7) 39.1 (1.2/182.6) 73.4 (8.3/1448.7) 55.0 (1.2/297.7) 80.5 (22.2/130.7) 38.2 (9.5/223) 73.4 (10.4/130.7) 38.2 (9.5/223)
TNF alfa_unstim. 14.0 (1.8/2336.7) 6.6 (1.7/91.8) 16.7 (1.8/2336.7) 4.8 (1.7/91.8) 7.0 (2.1/52.1) 21.1 (3.5/112.1) 10.5 (2.1/52.1) 18.7 (3.5/112.1)

VEGF_PWM 13.7 (3.4/66.9) 5.5 (1.5/94.4) 14.4 (3.4/66.9) 5.1 (1.5/94.4) 17.1 (0.2/83.4) 4.9 (0.1/33.1) 11.0 (0.2/83.4) 11.9 (0.1/33.1)
VEGF_P + C 21.7 (4.7/96.1) 9.4 (1.6/52.6) 27.2 (4.7/96.1) 9.3 (1.6/52.6) 12.3 (0/20.6) 5.2 (0.2/17.2) 9.6 (0/20.6) 5.2 (0.2/17.2)
VEGF_HSP70 32.8 (5.8/101.1) 10.6 (1.1/45.3) 35.5 (5.8/101.1) 16.0 (1.1/45.3) 54.0 (3/121.7) 14.4 (1.5/91.9) 42.7 (3/121.7) 15.7 (1.5/91.9)
VEGF_Pg 17.9 (0.5/48.1) 9.4 (0.8/63.6) 17.4 (0.5/48.1) 15.3 (0.8/63.6) 2.9 (0.3/33.7) 5.5 (0.1/30) 5.1 (0.3/33.7) 2.1 (0.1/30)
VEGF_Aa 27.4 (8.8/119.1) 27.7 (3.5/57.8) 27.0 (8.8/119.1) 29.5 (3.5/57.8) 47.8 (4.1/73.7) 27.8 (7.6/36.8) 23.9 (4.1/73.7) 30.4 (7.6/36.8)
VEGF_Tf 18.4 (4.1/89.4) 17.0 (4/90.1) 17.2 (4.1/89.4) 19.0 (4/90.1) 18.9 (3.6/126.8) 11.1 (0.1/27.3) 10.6 (3/126.8) 13.9 (0.1/27.3)
VEGF_PI 30.2 (7.1/94.4) 15.2 (4.6/72.8) 29.1 (7.1/94.4) 22.6 (4.6/72.8) 30.2 (20/97.8) 15.2 (0.1/49.9) 29.4 (10/97.8) 15.2 (0.1/49.9)
VEGF_unstim. 24.9 (0.9/91) 22.8 (4.5/135.5) 29.6 (0.9/91) 21.9 (4.5/135.5) 39.8 (15.3/79.4) 10.2 (6.4/42.4) 35.6 (9.5/79.4) 10.2 (6.4/42.4)

* , #, and denote significantly higher levels of cytokines for P < 0.05, P < 0.01, and P < 0.001 (resp.), how they were found by Kruskal-Wallis tests in application to couple locus in table header (the minor homozygous locus was connected to a heterogeneous locus for the formal increase the statistical significance of results).