Superresolution imaging of Cby1 and centriole proteins. (A–C) 3D-SIM imaging. (A) MEFs or MTECs were fixed and stained for Ahi1 (green), Cby1 (red), and Cep164 (cyan). (B) MEFs or MTECs were fixed and stained for Ofd1 (green), Cby1 (red), and acetylated α-tubulin (Ac-tub, cyan). (C) MEFs or MTECs were fixed and stained for Sdccag8 (green), Cby1 (red), and polyglutamylated tubulin (Glu-tub, cyan). For A–C, MEF and MTEC top rows are maximum Z-projections; MTEC bottom rows are XZ-projections. Scale bars, 500 nm. (D) MTECs were fixed and stained for Tmem237, Ahi1, Cby1, Ofd1, or Sdccag8 and imaged using STED microscopy. Insets, enlarged centriolar regions. Mean diameters and SDs of centriolar rings for each protein (n ≥ 45) are indicated to the right. Mean diameters were derived from maximum intensity points of radial intensity profiles (Supplemental Figure S3). Ring diameters of each protein are statistically different from all other proteins with p < 0.01 (Student's two-tailed t test). Scale bars, 500 nm.