Summary of statistical analysis for movement direction of APP-GFP vesicles in JIP1−/− neurons.
Comparison | A | R | S | Figures |
JIP1−/− to JIP1+/+ | *** | *** | N.S. | 1B to 1A |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b) | *** | ** | ** | 1B to 1C |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b ΔPI) | N.S. | N.S. | N.S. | 1B to 2A |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b RPG) | N.S. | * | N.S. | 1B to 2B |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b Δ351–514) | N.S. | N.S. | N.S. | 1B to 5A |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b Δ370–402) | N.S. | N.S. | * | 1B to 5B |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b Δ465–483) | N.S. | N.S. | N.S. | 1B to 5C |
JIP1−/− to JIP1−/− (JIP1b Y705A) | N.S. | * | N.S. | 1B to 5D |
Results of Figures 1, 2, A and B, and 5 are summarized, with statistical analysis for the ratio of movement directions. APP movement in JIP1−/− neurons is compared with that in JIP1+/+ neurons in the first row, and APP movement in JIP1−/− neurons expressing JIP1b proteins is compared with that in JIP1−/− neurons in subsequent rows.
A, anterograde; R, retrograde; S, stationary. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.005. N.S., not significant.