Ectopic expression of Sec3p is required for exocyst targeting and assembly at mitochondria. (A) Sec6-GFP and Sec8-GFP can be recruited to mitochondria in cells expressing Tom20-mCherry tagged Sec3C (amino acids [aa] 321–1336) but not Sec3N (aa 1–320). (B) Cells expressing Tom20-mCherry-Sec3p or -Sec3C grew more slowly than cells expressing Tom20-mCherry-Sec3N on a synthetic complete plate at 25°C. (C) Cells expressing Tom20-mCherry-Sec3 or -Sec3C showed accumulation of Bgl2p inside the cells as detected by Western blotting. Adh1p was used as a loading control. Molecular weights (in kilodaltons) are indicated to the left.