Fig. 1.
Nonhuman primate FASD MRS study [16]. (A) The 34×34×34-mm3 voxel included the thalamus, parts of the internal capsule and basal ganglia, and adjacent white matter. Current MRS Study. (B) Five equiangular subregions of the corpus callosum [(1) genu, (2) anterior body, (3) posterior body, (4) isthmus, (5) splenium] were constructed using the mammilary body as a point of reference. Coronal, sagittal and horizontal views of (C) 15×15×15-mm3 hippocampus/basal nuclear voxel in the left hemisphere, (D) 15×15×15-mm3 white matter voxel in the right frontal/parietal region (to replicate the voxel position in the previous nonhuman primate study) and (E) 20-mm-thick axial multivoxel slice (data to be presented in a separate report).