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. 2014 Nov;18(8):975–984. doi: 10.1177/1362361313505720

Table 1.

Results of main analysis: mean costs, number of weeks in employment and QALYs of supported employment and standard care per adult with autism seeking employment, over the time horizon of the analysis (17 months of intervention + 8 years follow-up)

Mean total intervention cost over 17 months Mean total day service cost over 8-year follow-up (incurred by unemployed only) Mean total cost Mean number of weeks in employment Mean number of QALYs
Supported employment £5044 £4193 £9237 136 5.42
Standard care (day services) £2742 £5893 £8635 102 5.31
Difference £2302 −£1700 £602 34 0.11
Cost-effectiveness ICER of supported employment versus standard care: £18/extra week in employment; £5600/QALY

QALY: quality-adjusted life year; ICER: incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.

Note that numbers have been rounded to the nearest £ (costs), to the nearest integer (weeks in employment) and to the nearest second decimal digit (QALYs).