Topic Area | Specific Questions Asked | Probes | |
1 | Patients’ General Experience with HCV Treatment | We would like to hear from you about your experiences with undergoing HCV treatment | How do you feel about taking these medications? How do you think these medications are affecting your health? What is the hardest thing about being on this treatment? What other things has the treatment affected in your life? |
2 | Side Effects/Coping | Tell me about what kind of side effects you have been experiencing? What helps with dealing with those side effects? |
Tell me about any experiences with irritability… nausea….insomnia…feeling tired…being achy? What do you do to cope with side effects? What do you think or tell yourself to help deal with side effects? How have the side effects affected your role at work, or at home? |
3 | Depression/Coping | What was your mood like before you started Hep C treatment? What has your mood been like since starting Hep C treatment? Do you think there is a direct link between the Hep C medications, and your mood? When you are feeling down/irritable/nervous, what helps you the most? |
Tell me more about that… What do you think or tell yourself to help deal with your mood? |
4 | Other Life Interference | In addition to side effects, what other things have been difficult for you during treatment? What things have been good for you during treatment? |
5 | Social Support | Tell me about the support you have had from friends, family, or other groups to which you belong? Are there other types of support that you are not getting during treatment, that you think would be helpful for you? |
How has support affected you during treatment? how about … emotional support informational support tangible support affectionate/nurturing support |
6 | Facilitators to Medication-Taking Adherence Patients Understanding of Adherence | Tell me about the process of taking your HCV medications? | What do you do think helps you take your medications as prescribed? How important do you think it is to take your medications exactly like your doctor told you to? |
7 | Barriers to Medication-Taking Adherence | What gets in the way of you taking your medications? | Have you EVER missed taken your medications because … You felt too good You fell asleep or slept through dose time You simply forgot You had a change in your daily routine You got busy with other things You felt too sick/ill You felt depressed/overwhelmed Do you think you could benefit from talking about other ways to help take your medications |