Figure 1. Representative individual example showing results for longitudinal SD-OCT measurements of RNFLT over time, beginning at baseline (BL) and continuing weekly for 4-weeks (WK1-WK4) after unilateral optic nerve transection (ONT) in the right eye (OD) and the non-operated fellow eye (OS).
In each panel, the infrared (IR) reflectance image of the ocular fundus is shown at the left and the accompanying SDOCT B-scan is shown at the right; the red circle in the IR image shows the position and path of peripapillary SD-OCT scan. The B-scan images also show the segmentations used to derive RNFLT measurements: green, internal limiting membrane (ILM); red, posterior border of RNFL. RNFLT decreased over time in the ONT eye, as expected, but increased substantially over time in fellow eye. Scale bars = 1 mm.