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. 2014 Nov 12;4:257. doi: 10.7916/D8FJ2FD3

Table 1. Studies of Unawareness in HD.

Author HD Stage/Participants Domain of Impairment Tests Outcome Specific Tests
Deckel et al 19934 Prospective 19 affected HD pts Several years to>10 years 14 controls non-HD Cog, motor, and emotional 8 item self-report rating cog and motor abilities cf staff ratings One-third of HD patients had anosognosia cf controls and cf raters WCST WAIS-R Verbal/performance split and picture completion
Snowden et al 1998 5 Prospective 40 affected HD pts duration 1–20 years Motor Subjective report questionnaire of direct experience/consequences and QNE Unawareness of choreiform movement but aware of nonchoreic motor consequences Cog test correlates expected for HD stage
Vitale et al 200119 Prospective 9 affected HD pts and 13 PD Motor Pts asked to rate dyskinesias Unawareness in HD related to disease duration and severity Score of unawareness of dyskinesias when performing four motor tasks
Chatterjee et al 20059 Prospective 53 affected HD pts 53 caregivers Behav Self-report cf Caregiver rating on BDI, apathy, and irritability scales Moderate – good for depression, low for apathy and fair at best for irritability Caregiver assessment for moods and apathy as cognition worsens
Ho et al 200611 Prospective 75 affected HD pts All stages 67 caregivers Motor Functional Cog DEX, BDI and Telephone interview of cog status. Pts and caregivers rated themselves and each other Pts underestimate cf caregiver ratings, which correlated with disease severity on UHDRS DEX
Hoth et al 200712 Prospective 66 patient and collateral pairs Cog/emotional and functional Patient Competency Rating Scale UHDRS, BDI, and Cog measures including WCST Pts rated themselves better and did not correlate with findings on any subscales; greatest variance was for emotional WCST greatest correlation with patient/collateral disagreement
Kaptein et al 200722 Prospective 51 couples (HD pts early to mod and partner) QoL UHDRS MMSE IPQ Medical Outcome Study of SF-36 Spouses report of more symptoms than the HD pts correlated with QoL IPQ and MOS SF-36 to HD pts and spouses/partners
Duff et al 201010 Retrospective Data set enquiry Premanifest 745 HD mutation and 163 without Cog/behav FrSBe difference participant and companion Participants rating of frontal behaviors were less at low and high probability of diagnosis than mid. In contrast, companion rating of frontal behaviors was proportionate to probability of diagnosis Total FrSBe
Sitek et al 201118 Prospective Specific HD (23) cf PD with dyskinesia (25), PD without dyskinesia (21) and cervical dystonia 20 Motor and ADL MIS Self-Assessment Disability Scale Patient and proxy and cog scores Disparity in motor reports but not IADL MIS AVLT
Hocaoglu et al 201221 105 HD pts (36 early/18 mod/50 adv) with proxies QoL Self and proxy report of HrQoL Proxy perception of QoL Good correlation between raters. Proxys perception of pt QoLbetter than pts' HrQoL
Justo et al 201316 Prospective 28 Early HD 28 premanifest and 12 controls Motor Self attribution of motor scores vs observer when looking at video of themselves and assessing movements including non pathological involuntary movements Underestimated movments cf with observer but controls underestimate their non pathological movements Self attribution of motor scores vs observer.
McCusker et al 201317 Retrospective Data set enquiry Premanifest HD 550 cf 163 nonmutation Motor UHDRS motor Participant HD History of symptoms, self-report of progression, cog, behav, and imaging measures ∼50% with new motor diagnosis had no symptoms or report of progression UHDRS motor and symptom history, self-report of progression
Cleret de Langavant et al 201320 Prospective 46 Early to mild HD 33 proxies Cog memory Subjective memory questionnaires given independently and before cog testing Early stage HD 1 aware of memory impairment, HD 2 less aware but more aware than proxies FCSRT Subjective memory score

Abbreviations: ADL, Activities of Daily Living; AVLT, Auditory Verbal Learning Test; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; Behav, Behavioral; cf, Compared to; Cog, Cognitive; DEX, Dysexecutive Questionnaire; FCSRT, Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test; FrSBe, Frontal Systems Behavior Scale; HD, Huntington Disease; HrQoL, Health-related Quality of Life; IADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale; IPQ, Illness Perception Questionnaire; MIS, Motor impairment scale; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MOS, Medical Outcome Study of the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; PD, Parkinson Disease; Pts, Patients; QNE, Quantified Neurologic Examination; QoL, Quality of Life; SF-36, Short Form (36) Health Survey; UHDRS, Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sort Test.