Figure 3.
The progress of the enzymatic cascade outlined in Scheme 2 was followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy to confirm the generation of a) [2-13C1]-PnAA from [2-13C]-PEP by the successive actions of RhiH and PnPy decarboxylase, b) 2-[2-13C1, 2-2H1]-HEP via the reduction of [2-13C1]-PnAA by DhpG in the presence of (4R)-NADP2H, and c) HMP by the action of HEPD. 31P chemical shifts of phosphonates are very sensitive to small changes in pH. Therefore, the identity of 2-HEP and HMP was confirmed by spiking with an authentic synthetic standard. The additional resonance in b) and c) is residual [2-13C1]-PnAA. The additional resonance at ~19 ppm in a) is an unknown byproduct of PnAA generation.