Fig. 3.
Increased LC3B-II and beclin-2 protein expression in SLOS. LC3B-II: Cell lysates from control (lanes 1–4) and SLOS human fibroblasts (lanes 5–8) were collected from LPDS cultured cells. (A) Representative Western blot, red fluorescent for LC3 and green fluorescent for β-actin. (B) Quantitation of LC3B-II amount by normalizing with β-actin, n = 7, p < 0.05. (C) Confocal image of LC3B localization in control and SLOS fibroblasts. Red fluorescence for LC3, green for actin and blue for nuclei. Beclin-1: Cell lysates from control (lanes 1–4) and SLOS human fibroblasts (lanes 5–8) were collected from LPDS cultured cells. (D) Representative Western blot, red fluorescent for beclin and green fluorescent for β-actin. (E) Quantitation bar graph of beclin expression, n = 6, p < 0.05.