Figure 1.
HDL inhibits adhesion of U937 monocytoid cells to TNFα-stimulated ECs but not in the presence of the lipase inhibitor tetrahydrolipstatin. A, Fluoresce-in-labeled U937 cells were added to TNFα-stimulated (50 ng/mL) human EC monolayers after pretreatment with the PPARα agonist WY14643 (10 µmol/L), HDL (90 µg/mL), or HDL (90 µg/mL) in the presence of the lipase inhibitor tetrahydrolipstatin (10 µmol/L). Fluorescent microscopy shows adherent U937 cells (green) on a near-confluent EC layer. B, Quantification of U937 adherence on EC monolayers as determined by fluorescence assay. Results are expressed as percentage of leukocytes bound to TNFα-stimulated cells. Bars represent mean±SEM (n=3); #P<0.01 TNFα-stimulated ECs vs control; *P<0.01 WY and HDL vs TNFα-stimulated ECs.