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. 2014 Oct 25;70(Pt 11):1485–1491. doi: 10.1107/S2053230X14020214

Table 1. Structure and refinement statistics for PaDHQase (PDB entry 4l8l).

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.

Space group F23
Unit-cell parameters (, ) a = b = c = 125.39, = = = 90
Resolution () 31.41.74 (1.81.74)
R merge (%) 10.0 (21.5)
Completeness (%) 99 (100)
Multiplicity 41.8 (6.96)
I/(I) 31.2 (3.5)
R factor (%) 16.2 (35.4)
R free § (%) 19.8 (43.9)
Correlation coefficients
F o F c 0.969
F o F c, free 0.959
Components of model
Amino-acid residues 138
Water 96
Mean B factor (2) 23.59
R.m.s. deviation from ideal
Bond length () 0.029
Bond angles () 2.114
Chiral (3) 0.159
Ramanchandran plot, residues in (%)
Favored regions 97.0
Allowed regions 3.0
Outlier regions 0
Side-chain outliers (%) 1.8
RSZR outliers (%) 0.7

R merge = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where I i(hkl) and I(hkl) are the intensity of the ith measurement of I(hkl) and the mean intensity of the reflection with indices hkl, respectively.

R cryst = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where F obs are observed and F calc are calculated structure-factor amplitudes.


The R free set consisted of a randomly chosen 5% of reflections.

PROCHECK validation was used (Laskowski et al., 1993). RSZR is the root-mean-square of all Z scores.