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. 2014 Nov;37(6):672–692. doi: 10.1179/2045772313Y.0000000115

Table 1 .

Studies included

Study Study design Intervention Training Location and Participants Lesion level Screening or testing prior to
Downs & Black Scoring (D&B) Protocol (session length, sessions per week, no. of weeks, intensity) supervision N and gender Mean age and age range (or SD) AIS classification training? Exclusion criteria
AAN classification Adherence Years post-injury
Volitional exercise
Dyson-Hudson et al.13 RCT (diet only vs. diet + exercise) D&B = 18 AAN class III ACE 20+ min. 3 × /week ×  12 weeks, 60 rpm, 70% HRM Adherence not reported Hospital gym, supervised 21 males 4 females total, 10 males, 4 females in training group 42.9 ± 7.6 C5-L2 AIS not reported 15.1 ± 8.9 years post-injury No screening or testing. Exclusions: diabetes, CVD, cognitive impairment, “medical condition that precluded safe performance of upper limb exercise”.
El-Sayed and Younesian14; El-Sayed and Younesian et al.15 Pre-post (two groups: SCI and control) ACE 30 min. 3 × /week ×  12 weeks, 60 to 65% VO2 peak Hospital gym, supervised AB, n = 7; SCI, n = 5; Gender not reported Below T-10 AIS not reported Health history questionnaire and sub-maximal ACE monitored exercise testing pre and post
D&B = 14 Adherence 100%. SCI = 31 ± 2.9 years Exclusions not stated
AAN class IV AB 32 ± 1.6 Injury duration not reported
McLean and Skinner16 RCT D&B = 15 AAN class III ACE 20–35 min. 3 ×  /week × 10 weeks Adherence 100% Laboratory, supervised N = 15 Gender not stated Sit group 34.3± 12.1 Supine group 33.3 ± 7.0 C5-T1 “Complete”, AIS not reported Sit group 9.3 ± 12.5 Supine group 14.1 ± 6.4 years post-injury Approval from physician and Peak WCE exercise testing pre and post Exclusions: CVD, recurrent AD, hypotension, hypertension, use of alpha blockers, pressure sores, UTI, kidney stones, diabetes, incomplete SCI w/normal autonomic function
Le Foll-de Moro et al.17 Pre–post D&B = 14 AAN class IV WCE (interval training) 30 min. 3 × /week ×  6 weeks Adherence not reported Hospital gym, supervised 5 males 1 female 29 ± 14 (18–54) T6-T12 AIS not reported 94 ± 23 days post-injury (range =73–137 days) Maximal and submaximal WCE exercise testing pre and post Exclusions not stated
Bougenot et al.18 Pre-post D&B = 14 AAN class IV WCE (interval training) 45 min. 3 × /week ×  6 weeks Outstanding attendance (not defined) Hospital gym, supervised 7 males 35 ± 13 (21–55) T6-L5 AIS A M = 12.3 (1–30) years post-injury Maximal WCE exercise testing pre and post Exclusions not stated
Tordi et al.19 Pre-post D&B = 14 AAN class IV WCE (interval training) 30 min. 3 × /week ×  4 weeks Outstanding attendance (not defined) Hospital gym, supervised 5 males 27 ± 8.1 T6-L4 AIS A “About 2 years” post-injury Maximal WCE exercise testing pre and post, no ECG Exclusions not stated
Bjerkefors and Thorstensson20 Pre-post Kayak ergometry 60 min. 3 × /week ×  10 weeks Clinical lab, supervised 7 males T3–T12 No screening or testing
D&B = 18 Adherence 100% 3 females AIS A, B, C Exclusions not stated
AAN class IV 38 ± 12 M = 18.1 (3–26) years post-injury
Valent et al.21 Pre-post D&B = 18 AAN class IV Hand cycle training 35–45 min. 2–3 ×  /week × 8–12 weeks 24 sessions was goal. Adherence 19 ± 3 completed Multiple locations (hospital gym, home setting, outdoors on track or trail) not supervised 18 males 4 females 39 ± 12 C5-C8 AIS A, B, C, D 10 ± 7 years post-injury ACSM contraindications for exercise and hand cycle peak exercise test pre and post Exclusions CVD, overuse injuries of upper extremities, pressure sores, UTI, other medical conditions that did not allow performance of physical activity
Valent et al.22 Controlled trial (not randomized) with matched control group D&B= 19 AAN class II Hand cycle training 35–45 min. 2 ×  /week × 9–39 weeks Adherence 87% Hospital track, other outdoor locations. Initially supervised then no supervision 26 males, 8 females total 13 males, 4 females in training group 46± 15 training group 45± 15 control group 17 Paras 17 Tetras (levels not provided) AIS A/B = 22 AIS C/D = 12 5–47 weeks post-injury Graded peak WCE test pre and post Exclusions: CVD, medical disease contraindicating exercise, serious musculoskeletal complaints
Mukherjee et al.23 Pre–post D&B = 15 AAN class IV Arm-propelled three wheeled chair 15 min. 2 × /day ×  12 weeks Adherence not reported Outdoor setting, non-supervised 12 males 30.5 ± 8.59 Below T10 AIS not reported No screening or testing Exclusions: CVD, musculoskeletal, neurological, or metabolic disorder
Tawashy et al.24 Case report Circuit training (aerobic) 18–27 min. 3 ×  /week × 8 weeks Hospital gym, supervised 1 male C5 No screening or testing
D&B = 13 18/24 sessions completed 22 years old AIS A Exclusions not stated
AAN class IV 3 months post-injury
Duran et al.25 Case series D&B = 20 AAN class IV Circuit training (aerobic) 120 min. 3 × /week ×  16 weeks, THR 40–80% of max. HR Adherence 85% Hospital gym, supervised 12 males 1 female 26.3 ± 8.3 T3–T12 AIS A–C M = 25 months (2 months–10 years) post-injury ACE exercise test pre- and post-intervention Exclusions: Cardiac medications, major medical problems
Nash et al.26 Pre–post D&B = 18 AAN class IV Circuit training (resistance and aerobic) 40–45 min. 3 ×/week × 16 weeks Adherence 94% Hospital gym, supervised 7 males Mn not provided (39–58) T5-T12 AIS A, B 13.1± 6.6 years post-injury Multi-stage graded exercise test with ECG monitoring pre and post Exclusions not stated
Jacobs et al.27 Pre-post D&B = 16 AAN class IV Circuit training (resistance) 40–45 min 3 ×  /week; × 12 weeks Adherence not reported University outpatient setting, supervised 10 males M = 39.4± 6.0 (28–44) T5-L1 AIS A M = 7.3± 6.0 years post-SCI (0.7–16.8) Maximal WCE exercise test pre and post Exclusions: poor health, cardiac ischemia on ECG, shoulder joint dysfunction
Cooney and Walker28 Pre–post D&B = 16 AAN class IV Hydraulic resistance exercise (timed sets of resistance exercises w/ brief rest periods) 30–40 min. 3 ×  /week × 9 weeks, 60–90% of HRM Adherence 100% Hospital gym, supervised 7 males, 3 females M = 28.8 (20–39) C 5-L1 AIS not reported 2–9 years post-injury (M = 4.6 years) ACE exercise test pre and post “Healthy”, exclusions not stated
Forrest et al.29 Case report D&B = 17 AAN class IV BWSTT 15–25 min 3 ×  /week × 30 weeks 97 sessions completed Therapy clinic; supervised, assisted 1 male 25 C6 AIS B 1 year post-injury PE pre and post Exclusions: bone mineral density t-score <− 2.5 (osteoporosis)
Ditor et al.30 Pre-post D&B = 15 AAN class IV BWSTT Up to 60 min 3 ×  /week × 6 months Adherence 83.6%± 9.1 University based center, supervised, assisted 6 males 2 females 27.6 ± 5.2 C4-C5 AIS B = 1 AIS C = 7 9.6 ± 7.5 yrs post-injury ECG pre and post Exclusions: CVD, musculoskeletal condition that would contraindicate exercise
Ditor et al.31 Pre-post D&B = 18 AAN class IV BWSTT 15 min 3 × / week ×  12 weeks Adherence 83.3 ± 7.6% University based center, supervised, assisted 4 males, 2 females (+4 dropouts, no gender information) 37.7 ± 15.4 C4-T12 AIS A or B 7.6± 9.4 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions: CVD, musculoskeletal condition that would preclude exercise
Protas et al.32 Pre–post D&B = 12 AAN class IV BWSTT 60 min. 5 × /week ×  12 weeks (Treadmill walking 20 minutes) Adherence not reported Hospital supervised and assisted 3 males M = 42.7 (34–48) T8-T12 AIS C = 1 AIS D = 2 2–13 years post injury No screening or testing Exclusions: lower extremity contracture, pressure ulcers
FES exercise
Needham-Shropshire et al. 33 RCT with treatment control (3 groups) D&B = 15 AAN class IIII FES-ACE 32 min 3 × /week interval training Group 1= 8 weeks FES ACE Group 2 = 4 weeks FES ACE and 4 weeks non-FES ACE Group 3 = 8 weeks non-FES ACE Adherence not reported Lab, supervised N = 34 Group 1 = 11 males, 1 female Group 2 = 10 males, 1 female Group 3 = 10 males, 1 female M years group 1 = 24; group 2 = 22; group 3 = 24 Cervical level injuries AIS not reported Group 1 = 6 years, group 2 = 9 years, group 3 = 4 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions: biceps/triceps LMN dysfunction, shoulder or elbow contractures, shoulder joint subluxation, intolerance to surface FES
Wheeler et al.34 Pre–post D&B = 13 AAN class IV FES-rowing ergometry 30 min 3 × /week × 12 weeks 70–75% of pretest peak O2 21–36 sessions completed University based recreational activity facility; supervised N = 6 (gender not reported) 42.5 ±17.9 (26–66) C7-T12 ASIA A & C 13.8 ± 11.6 years post-injury FES-row peak exercise test pre-participation Exclusions not stated
Duffell et al. 35 Case series D&B = 14 AAN class IV FES-LCE Up to 1 hour 5 × s/week ×1 yr M completed sessions = 4.5/week 3 research settings and 1 hospital supervised for initial sessions, then home w/o supervision 9 males 2 females 41.8 ± 2.3 yrs T3-T9 “Complete” 10.7± 2 yrs post injury No screening or testing Exclusions: LMN injury Spasticity precluding pedaling Medical or psychiatric conditions Previous FES exercise
Frotzler et al. 36 Prospective longitudinal cohort D&B = 18 AAN class IV FES-LCE 14 ± 7 weeks FES conditioning then FES cycling 10–60 mins, 3–4 × /week; then 60 mins, 5 × /week ×  12 months at highest power output Adherence 76.6% Home; not supervised; training diary only 9 males 2 females 41.9 ± 7.5 yrs T3-T12 AIS A 11.0 ± 7.1 years post injury No screening or testing Exclusions: Severe spasticity Unhealed bone fxs Diseases known to affect metabolism LE contractures Previous FES exercise participation
Janssen and Pringle37 Pre–post D&B = 16 AAN class IV FES-LCE Up to 25–30 min 2–3 ×  /week × 6 weeks for total =18 sessions Adherence not reported Lab, supervised 12 males 36 ± 16 C4-T11 9 “motor complete”, 3 “motor incomplete” 11± 9 years post-injury 2 Graded LCE exercise rests pre and post, screening for exercise contraindications Exclusions: Spasticity Heterotopic ossification Pressure sores Severe cardiopulmonary disease
Zbogar et al.38 Pre–post D&B = 15 AAN class IV FES-LCE Habituation period (30 min 3 × week ×  16 weeks prior to training) then 60 min 3 × /week × 12 weeks M sessions completed =29 Rehab center, supervised N = 4 females + N = 2 dropouts, gender not stated M = 32 (19–51) C4-T7 AIS A-C 3–16 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions: CVD Other neuro conditions Pressure ulcers Previous fragility fxs Abnormal bone formation Severe spasticity Lower extremity contractures
Hjeltnes et al.39 Pre–post D&B = 13 AAN class IV FES-LCE 2 wk run in followed by 30 min sessions, 7 × / week × 8 weeks Inpatients, hospital-based, supervised N = 6 males 35 ± 3 C5-C7 AIS A or B 10.2 ± 3.4 years post-injury PE including x-rays, no testing pre-trial Exclusions: Osteoporosis Fxs
Mutton et al.40 Pre–post D&B = 14 AAN class IV FES-LCE Progressive protocol, 30 min 2 × /week. Phase 1: up to 30 sessions Phase II – ∼35 sessions phase III ∼41 sessions (24–128 sessions completed) Outpatient rehab setting, supervised N = 11 males (phase I and II); N = 8/11 (phase III) 35.6 ±6.6 (25–46) C5-L1 AIS A 9.7 ± 3.8 yrs post-injury Peak and sub-maximal ACE exercise test, PE, blood chemistry, UA, chest and lower limb x-rays, 12-lead ECG pre & post Exclusions: CVD Metabolic disease Previous aerobic training
Mohr et al.41 Pre–post D&B =17 AAN class IV FES-LCE 30 min 2–3× week × 1 year M = 2.3 sessions/week completed, adherence 75% Research center, supervised 8 males 2 females M = 35.3, (27–45) C6 (6) T4 (4) AIS not specified M = 12.5 (3–23) years post injury VO2 Max test after acclimation Exclusions: Diseases or disabilities other than SCI Previous training
Barstow et al.42 Pre–post D&B = 15 AAN class IV FES-LCE 30 min 3 × .week × at least 24 sessions M = 2.1(.04) sessions/week completed VA Hospital, supervised 9 males 34.4 ±5.6 C5-T12 AIS A 10.1± 4.1 years post-injury PE, x-ray of spine and legs, CT legs, blood chemistry, UA, ACE ECG stress test pre–post Exclusions: Not stated
Hooker et al.43 Pre–post D&B = 13 AAN class IV FES-LCE 30 min. 2 × /week, ×  19 weeks M = 2.3 sessions/wk completed VA Hospital Supervised 8 males 36.0 ± 4.6 C5–6 – T12-L1 Frankel A 9.8 ± 4.0 years post-injury PE, blood chemistry, UA, chest, spine, and LE x-rays, 12 lead ECG, and ACE stress test with ECG monitor Exclusions not stated
Ragnarsson et al.44,45 Pre–post D&B= 13 AAN class IV FES-LCE 12 sessions of quad strengthening (3 × /week × 4 weeks) + 36 sessions of LCE (3/week ×  12 weeks). Adherence not reported Hospital-based, supervised 16 males, 3 females (study 1) 7 males, 4 females (study 2) M not stated (18–54) C4-T10 11 paras 19 tetras Frankel A 0.6–17 years post-injury LE x-rays pre Exclusions: Previous FES Abnormal LE x-ray
Brissot et al.46 Pre–post D&B= 10 AAN class IV FES-ambulation (parastep) 20–40 min. one to two sessions/day × 4 to 12 weeks or longer M sessions = 20. Hospital gym, supervised 11 males, 4 females 28 ± 9 (16–47) T3-T11, Frankel A–C M = 4.5 years post-injury (0.5–20 years) Peak ACE exercise testing pre and post Exclusions: CVD Respiratory conditions morbid obesity Severe spasticity LE contracture Hx of Fx Severe scoliosis Skin problem at electrode site
Klose et al.47; Needham-Shropshire et al.48 Pre–post D&B = 15 AAN class IV FES-ambulation (parastep) Incrementally increasing distances, 3 ×  /week × 32 sessions Adherence 100% Therapy clinic, supervised 13 males, 3 females 28.4± 6.6 T4–T11 AIS A 4.0± 3.5 years post-injury Peak ACE exercise testing pre and post. Resting ECG and PE before trial Exclusions: CVD Hx of Fxs Hx of DJD LMN injury LE contractures Severe spasticity Skin breakdown
Gallien et al.49 Case series D&B = 11 AAN class IV FES-ambulation (parastep) 2 hours 3–5 ×  /week × up to 32 sessions (goal) 5–49 sessions achieved, M = 19 sessions FES clinic, supervised 11 males, 2 females 27± 7 (17–42) T4-T10 AIS A 0.5–12 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions: CVD Pulmonary disease LMN injury Epilepsy Skin breakdown near electrode sites
Field-Fote50 Pre–post D&B = 16 AAN class IV FES-ambulation (BWSTT) 90 min 3 × /week ×  12 weeks (36 sessions) Adherence not reported Lab, supervised 13 males, 6 females 31.7 ± 9.4 years 13 tetra 6 paras AIS C 1–14.25 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions not stated
Ferro et al.51 Descriptive; longitudinal D&B = 10 AAN class IV FES ambulation-(BWSTT) 20 min 2 × /week ×  6 months Adherence not reported Lab, supervised N = 9 Gender not specified M = 33.2 (25–46) C4-C7 AIS A, B, D 1–10 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions: Cardiac disease LMN injury Known knee injury
Thoumie et al.52 Case series D&B = 12 AAN class IV FES-ambulation (RGO) Incrementally increasing distances, duration and frequency not specified, × 2–5 months for inpatients, 3–14 months for outpatients 21/23 completed entire program Therapy clinic (inpatient or outpatient), supervised 23 males, 3 females M = 31 (20–53) Thoracic level except 1 with C8 AIS A M = 2.7, 1–12 years post-injury No screening or testing Exclusions: LMN injury LE contracture

AAN, American Academy of Neurology; ACE, arm cycle ergometry; AB, able-bodied; ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine; AD, autonomic dysreflexia; AIS, American Spinal Injuries Association impairment scale; BWSTT, Body weight supported treadmill training; C, cervical; CT, computed tomography; CVD, cardiovascular disease; D&B, Downs and Black scale score; DJD, degenerative joint disease, ECG, electrocardiogram; FES, functional electrical stimulation; fx: fracture; HRM, heart rate maximum; Hx, history; L, lumbar; LCE, leg cycle ergometry; LE, lower extremities; LMN, lower motor neuron; min, minutes; M, mean; MOS, months; PE, physical examination; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RGO, reciprocating gait orthoses; RPM, rotations per minute; SCI, spinal cord injury; SD, standard deviation; T, thoracic; UA, urinalysis; UTI, urinary tract infection; VO2 Max, maximal oxygen uptake; W/, with; W/O, without; WCE, wheelchair ergometry; Wk, week; Yrs, years