Figure 5.
Cytokine production and expressions of MHC-II and CD86 in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). (a) Antigen-presenting cell (APC) assays were established with activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and pulsed or unpulsed MSCs. The cells were obtained from three subjects with allergic rhinitis (AR) and ragweed sensitivity (Table 1: S8, S13, S22). After 48 h, the media were analyzed in duplicate with cytokine protein arrays. The densities of the background cytokines (PBMCs alone) were subtracted from the experimental points and then presented as fold change of pulsed MSCs/unpulsed MSCs, ±s.d., n=6. (b) Pulsed and unpulsed MSCs from the APC assays were studied for MHC-II and CD86 by flow cytometry using donors S17, S19, and S22 (Table 1). The analyses were done on CD105+/CD3−/CD25−. *P<0.05 vs other cytokines.