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. 2014 Dec;104(12):2409–2416. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301542


Weighted Mean Daily Sodium Intake by Gender and Demographic Characteristics: Heart Follow-Up Study, New York City, 2010

Characteristic Men, Unadjusted Sodium Intake (mg/d),a Weighted Mean (SE) Women, Unadjusted Sodium Intake (mg/d),a Weighted Mean (SE) Total Sample, Unadjusted Sodium Intake (mg/d),a Weighted Mean (SE) Total Sample, Adjusted Sodium Intake (mg/d),ab Weighted Mean (SE)
Total sample 3583 (98) 2944 (74) 3239 (98)
Age, y
 18–24 4069 (281) 2849c (223) 3445 (193) 3718 (182)
 25–44 3484 (166) 3026 (133) 3248 (107) 3241 (103)
 45–64 3821 (154) 3169 (109) 3467 (92) 3305 (89)
 ≥ 65 2906* (139) 2459*** (117) 2630*** (91) 2757** (105)
 Non-Hispanic White (Ref) 3306 (122) 2785 (132) 3066 (89) 2949 (94)
 Non-Hispanic Black 4191*** (214) 2909 (141) 3477* (139) 3541 (116)
 Hispanic 3889* (238) 3142 (125) 3395* (123) 3490* (110)
 Non-Hispanic Asian 3182c (318) 2953c (323) 3068 (225) 3365 (227)
 Other 3043c (193) 2944c (287) 2992c (175) 3039 (198)
Poverty status, %
 < 200 3710 (167) 3032 (100) 3306 (93) 3275 (88)
 200–399 3807 (221) 2914 (145) 3350 (140) 3370 (126)
 ≥ 400 (Ref) 3452 (150) 2854 (165) 3200 (110) 3208 (109)
Country of birth
 United States (Ref) 3562 (120) 2993 (112) 3299 (83) 3330 (80)
 Not United States 3619 (165) 2906 (98) 3176 (90) 3160 (77)
BMI, kg/m2
 Underweight (< 18.5) 4138c (1131) 2603c (458) 3130c (524) 3292 (569)
 Normal (18.5–24.9; Ref) 3444 (162) 2698 (128) 3040 (104) 3105 (94)
 Overweight (25–29.9) 3387 (143) 2820 (124) 3114 (96) 3125 (97)
 Obese (≥ 30) 3988* (200) 3342*** (133) 3609*** (116) 3549*** (107)
Diet quality
 Excellent (Ref) 3236 (203) 2378 (146) 2779 (131) 2758 (159)
 Very good 3377 (182) 2877* (165) 3132 (124) 3268* (109)
 Good 3761 (178) 2985*** (137) 3345*** (114) 3381*** (93)
 Fair 3686 (207) 3116*** (140) 3368*** (121) 3233* (120)
 Poor 4200c (472) 3563*** (206) 3802*** (219) 3599*** (202)
 Never (Ref) 3442 (128) 2941 (93) 3149 (76) 3179 (75)
 Current 4009* (224) 3022 (183) 3496* (153) 3397 (135)
 Former 3592 (194) 2888 (164) 3287 (133) 3330 (111)
Personal history of CVD
 Yes 3740 (206) 2822 (108) 3165 (106) 3214 (117)
 No (Ref) 3531 (111) 3013 (97) 3273 (75) 3268 (64)
Physically active in past 30 d
 Yes (Ref) 3491 (114) 2865 (85) 3152* (70) 3181 (60)
 No 3841 (181) 3177 (148) 3491 (120) 3450* (113)
Heavy drinker
 Yes (Ref) 4291c (393) 3320c (431) 3772 (305) 3633 (264)
 No 3547 (101) 2916 (73) 3205 (62) 3228 (56)

Note. BMI = body mass index; CVD = cardiovascular disease.


Normalized to 24-hour collection time.


Adjusted for all other covariates listed in the table, gender, potassium, race × gender interaction in linear regression with sodium as the dependent variable. For race × gender interaction. P = .02.


Estimate’s relative SE (a measure of estimate precision) was > 30% or the sample size was < 50, making the estimate potentially unreliable.

*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.