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. 2014 Oct-Dec;18(4):e2014.00335. doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2014.00335

Table 2.

Clinicopathologic Characteristics of the Patients: Other Imaging, Washed Urine Cytologic, and Final Pathologic Results

Patient Cystoscopy RGP Ureteroscopy Endoscopic Biopsy Washed Urine Cytology Final Pathology
1 Normal Filling defect UC grade II Polypoid ureteritis and ureteral stone
2 Normal Filling defect Negative Inflammatory pseudotumor
3 Normal Stricture of the midureter Atypical cells, possibly reactive Atypical urothelial hyperplasia and ureteral stone
4 Pseudopolyp in the bladder neck Filling defect Negative Fibroepithelial polyp
5 Normal Filling defect Negative Inflammatory pseudotumor
6 Normal Complete obstruction in the distal ureter Failed to advance ureteroscope because of total obstruction A few atypical cells with mainly fibrous tissue Negative Mucosal and submucosal hemorrhage with transmural congestion in the ureter
7 Bullous change of the right ureteral orifice Failed because of bullous change of the ureteral orifice Failed to advance ureteroscope because of total obstruction Failed to obtain the biopsy specimen Tuberculosis

RGP, retrograde ureteropyelography; UC, urothelial carcinoma.