Table 1. Transcriptome references and alignment statistics.
Species name | # of genes | # of transcripts | # and % of alignments | # and % of mapped genes | # and % of mapped transcripts |
Mouse (Mus musculus) | 38,293 | 92,484 | 41,651 (23.90%) | 9,562 (22.96%) | 11,648 (12.59%) |
Rat (Rattus norvegicus) | 26,405 | 29,189 | 26,258 (15.07%) | 7,137 (27.18%) | 7,223 (24.75%) |
Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (Cricetulus griseus) | NA | 121,636* | 7,845 (4.50%) | NA | 4,390 (3.61%) |
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) | 28,012 | 29,160 | 2,884 (1.65%) | 1,631 (56.55%) | 1,643 (5.63%) |
Ferret (Mustela putorius furo) | 23,811 | 23,963 | 16,169 (9.28%) | 4,169 (25.78%) | 4,187 (17.47%) |
Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) | 29,216 | 35,727 | 8,319 (4.77%) | 2,733 (32.85%) | 2,735 (7.66%) |
Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) | 25,028 | 26,129 | 15,014 (8.61%) | 4,050 (26.97%) | 4,155 (15.90%) |
Human (Homo sapiens) | 62,316 | 213,551 | 23,020 (13.21%) | 5,409 (23.50%) | 7,254 (3.40%) |
Kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ordii) | 26,405 | 29,189 | 2,103 (1.21%) | 1,252 (59.53%) | 1,252 (4.29%) |
Macaque (Macaca mulatta) | 30,246 | 44,725 | 13,792 (7.91%) | 3,804 (27.58%) | 4,163 (9.31%) |
Orangutan (Pongo abelii) | 28,443 | 29,447 | 15,331 (8.80%) | 3,929 (25.63%) | 3,952 (13.42%) |
Pig (Sus scrofa) | 25,322 | 30,586 | 10,910 (6.26%) | 2,978 (27.30%) | 3,051 (9.98%) |
Pika (Ochotona princeps) | 23,028 | 23,028 | 1,575 (0.90%) | 989 (62.79%) | 989 (4.29%) |
Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) | 23,394 | 28,188 | 4,344 (2.49%) | 1,946 (44.80%) | 2,007 (7.12%) |
Shrew (Sorex araneus) | 19,134 | 19,139 | 1,330 (0.76%) | 759 (57.07%) | 759 (3.97%) |
Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) | 22,398 | 23,572 | 7,730 (4.44%) | 2,723 (35.23%) | 2,733 (11.59%) |
Tree Shrew (Tupaia belangeri) | 20,820 | 20,824 | 1,786 (1.02%) | 1,091 (61.09%) | 1,091 (5.24%) |
For each transcriptome reference used in this study, the name of the species, the number of genes available, and the number of transcripts available are indicated.
*The number of available transcripts indicated for the Chinese hamster ovary cells represents the number of available transcript fragments available and not the number of distinct transcripts. Moreover, for each transcriptome reference used in this study, the number of aligned contigs and singletons, the number of mapped transcripts and the number of mapped genes are indicated. The percentages of mapped transcripts and mapped genes relative to the total number of transcripts and genes available on the transcriptome references are provided. Moreover the percentage of alignments relative to the total number of contigs and singletons in our library (174,278) is also provided.