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. 2014 Dec;31(4):378–388. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1393976

Table 2. Rutherford classification for chronic limb ischemia11 12 .

Grade Category Clinical description Objective criteria
0 0 Asymptomatic—no hemodynamically significant occlusive disease Normal treadmill or reactive hyperemia test
1 Mild claudication Completes treadmill exercise; AP after exercise > 50 mm Hg but at least 20 mm Hg lower than resting value
I 2 Moderate claudication Between categories 1 and 3
3 Severe claudication Cannot complete standard treadmill exercise, and AP after exercise < 50 mm Hg
II 4 Ischemic rest pain Resting AP < 40 mm Hg, flat or barely pulsatile ankle or metatarsal PVR; TP < 30 mm Hg
III 5 Minor tissue loss—nonhealing ulcer, focal gangrene with diffuse pedal ischemia Resting AP < 60 mm Hg, ankle or metatarsal PVR flat or barely pulsatile; TP < 40 mm Hg
6 Major tissue loss—extending above TM level, functional foot no longer salvageable Same as category 5

Abbreviations: AP, ankle pressure; PVR, pulse volume recording; TM, transmetatarsal; TP, toe pressure.